If you have comments, ideas questions or just want to say “hi” – contact our webmaster. If you have ideas for new material, know of a good link to add to our list or notice a mistake or broken link on the website – PLEASE contact our webmaster.
For brochure requests in the U.S., we appreciate a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope sent to us at:
HHD Society
1712 Glendale Ave
Saginaw, MI 48638-4767
If you are in the U.S., are unable to send us a self-addressed, stamped envelope and would like a brochure, please contact us using the form above with your postal mail information and we will mail one out to you.
*Note: We are unable to give you medical advice or recommend a healthcare provider. To find a Dermatologist, use the AAD link <here>. Please use the various links on our website to learn more about HHD and treatment options.