We offer you a variety of ways to connect with other HHD patients and find the information and support you need…
April 2007: The HHD Society is pleased to offer patients a “Letter to Healthcare Team” that they can fill out with their medications and present to a new doctor’s office or when visiting a new clinic or hospital to help … 
Common Over-The-Counter Remedies Here is a list of easy to find, over the counter (in the US) items that some of our members find useful. Remember, what works for one may not work for another… NOTE: This list is offered … 
If you have comments, ideas questions or just want to say “hi” – contact our webmaster. If you have ideas for new material, know of a good link to add to our list or notice a mistake or broken link … 
If you or a loved one have HHD, we welcome you to join our Email Support Group. TalkHHD began in 2003 after the haileyhaileydisease.com email listserve was disbanded. The group moved to Yahoo, then groups.io and this website and is … 
Notice: The HHD Forums have been discontinued due to spam. Please join our support group TalkHHD on groups.io. If you do not want to sign up for a Yahoo Group account, you may still receive/send messages to the TalkHHD …